Moses Graytower

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Eligible for Bundle!
Selling “Hard” Sweatshirt
“Congress” CD
The Place Beyond the Pines
Sold out show at The Roxy on Broadway
“A Short Story”
Shot & Directed by Josh Shanks & Moses Graytower
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Moses Graytower & The American Spirit
Moses Graytower & The American Spirit are a genreless creative experience born in Denver, Colorado. Together they blend Hip-Hop, Pop Punk, Spoken Word, Jazz and Rock to form a musical medley that aims to bring change and positivity to their community. Some of their biggest inspirations are Kendrick Lamar, Nirvana, The Gorillaz, Jimi Hendrix, Bloc Party, and Gil Scott. The American Spirit is a leader for a new generation of Black kids telling their story, their way.